Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Regional
1 year ago @ 5:06PM
- Game Date
- May 30, 2023
- Score
- TITANSLumen Christi Catholic High School : 316.00
Congratulations to the Lumen Christi boys golf team for their great play in winning the 2023 Regional Championship at Hills of Lenawee golf club with a score of 316. This qualifies them for the State Championship to be played at Forest Acres West on June 9/10. Scoring for the Titans: Josh Baker - 78, Charlie Saunders - 78, Nash Hanchett - 79, Adam Fuller - 81 and Brendan Stevens - 89. Josh, Nash, Charlie and Adam all finished in the top 10 out of the 81 players, with Josh and Charlie tying for 5th.